Line 1: Maria Cristina Soares Guimarães


Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1982); MA, Information Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technological Information agreement (1992); PhD, Information Science, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technological Information agreement (1998). Researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; permanent professor, Graduate Program in Health Information and Communication (PPGICS/Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health - ICICT). She was the vice-director of Information and Communication at ICICT (2009-2013) and the scientific editor of Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde - RECIIS (2009-2013). She is currently chair of the Laboratory of Health Scientific and Technological Information (ICTS), ICICT. Her main subjects of interest are: open access and health scientific and technological information; information management; assessment in science and technology; the socialization of information and social studies on science and technology; engagement in science; and health literacy.

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