Line 2: Janine Miranda Cardoso


Social scientist, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation; she is a member of Laboratory of Research on Communication and Health and a professor in the Graduate Program in Health Information and Communication (PPGICS), Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Heath, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ICICT/Fiocruz), which she chaired from December 2012 to October 2014. She develops teaching, research, and consultancy activities, with emphasis on discourse analysis, strategies, and public policies for health communication. MA and PhD, Communication and Culture, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the research group on Communication and Health – CNPq Registry; she participates in the Communication and Health Working Group (GTCom), Brazilian Association of Collective Health (Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva - ABRASCO), as well as in the researchers’ collegiate, Laboratory of Research on Health Integrality Practices (LAPPIS)/UERJ.



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