Line 3: Christovam Barcellos


Bachelor’s in Geography, State University of Rio de Janeiro (1983); Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985); MA, Biological Sciences (Biophysics), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1991); PhD, Geosciences (Geochemistry), Fluminense Federal University (1995). He is currently the head researcher at the Institute of Scientific and Technological Communication and Information in Health (ICICT), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. He worked as a sanitarian for the State Health Secretary of Rio de Janeiro (1986-1995) and Rio Grande do Sul (2011-2003). Professor and student supervisor in the graduate programs in Public Health (National Public Health School - ENSP) and Health Information and Communication (PPGICS/ICICT). He teaches and researches Health Geography, with emphasis on health surveillance, socio-spatial inequalities, sanitation and health, and environmental and climactic changes using geoprocessing techniques, spatial analysis, and health indicators.


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